Our eMagazine: News, Technology, Insights, and Analysis

Enhance Your Canadian Real Estate Website with Agent iFrame® on Wix

June 15th, 2023|Categories: Agent iFrame, DDF Listings News and Products|Tags: , , |

In today's digital age, having a professional and functional website is crucial for Canadian real estate agents and webmasters know it. With the rise of online property listings, it is essential to provide potential buyers and sellers with a seamless browsing experience. While Wix.com offers a wonderful array of

Sharepoint or WP for a Brokerage Intranet?

May 20th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Microsoft SharePoint and WordPress are both popular tools used for developing intranets. However, they have different strengths and weaknesses that should be considered when deciding which one to use for a specific intranet project. Here's a comparison of Microsoft SharePoint and WordPress for developing intranets: Microsoft SharePoint Per Seat

Self-Directed Buyers

March 17th, 2023|Categories: Learn Stuff|

Self-directed learning in real estate has become increasingly popular in recent years, as individuals take responsibility for their own education and decision-making. With the rise of virtual office websites (VOWs), the real estate industry is embracing this approach, encouraging buyers and sellers to take control of their own real

Self-Discovery: How Technology is Revolutionizing Real Estate

February 17th, 2023|Categories: Learn Stuff|

The real estate industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, with technology playing a vital role in its transformation. With the introduction of digital platforms, home buyers and sellers are now able to take control of their real estate transactions, with a greater sense of transparency and interconnectedness