Our eMagazine: News, Technology, Insights, and Analysis

The new marketing triangle and social media

December 22nd, 2018|Categories: Marketing Tools for Realtors|Tags: , , , , |

Marshall McLuhan was a famous Canadian researcher who developed critical theories on “hot” and “cool” media technologies in the early 60's. He coined the phrase, “the medium is the message”, which is a theory that states a medium embeds itself in a message and subsequently influences how the message is

Website content that really differentiates your business: fiduciary duty, full disclosure, privacy, errors & omissions insurance

September 21st, 2018|Categories: Marketing Tools for Realtors|Tags: , , , |

How is a Realtor® supposed to stand out from her competition online? It's a question that webmasters and marketing assistants hear often and struggle to answer. They do their best to write cheerful website copy but the problem is that everyone says the same thing, and the result is noise.

SMS enabled text messaging from listings and forms

August 30th, 2018|Categories: Agent iFrame, DDF Listings News and Products|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TRES Labs 1027 Davie Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 4L2 Toll-free: 877-556-4233 info@realtywebsites.ca TEXT-MESSAGING WEBSITE LISTINGS AND CONTACT FORMS Vancouver, Canada: RealtyWebsites.ca is pleased to announce three industry leading upgrades to Agent iFrame®, a DDF® and IDX listings solution that allows agents to copy-paste automated listings into any

See if your passwords are in the wild

July 20th, 2018|Categories: Resources for REALTORS|

Password security is among the most challenging issues facing businesses today. When a large consumer site is hacked, the email addresses and passwords are sold or shared freely online. It's relatively simple for bad guys to merge databases from different sources and compile a "login profile" for you as an

No email at Outlook.com?

June 15th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Are you having difficulty receiving email from a customer or a supplier at your Outlook email account? Sometimes the IP address of a server that sends mail is blocked by Outlook temporarily. If email doesn't resume again, you might try unblocking the sending IP by visiting https://sender.outlook.com. The Microsoft office

Study on investment tools for equity hunters

June 1st, 2018|Categories: Surveys and Research|

In 2017, TRES Labs (realtywebsites.ca) surveyed 250 real estate agents and asked them some questions about real estate investing and decision-making tools. It turns out that approximately one-third of real estate professionals are also investors, having owned at least one rental property at some point. For the remaining group, we

DIY websites for real estate agents

January 2nd, 2018|Categories: Resources for REALTORS|

A brief history of agent websites In 1999, when real estate agent websites were beginning to appear online, the early adopters of the technology entered listings manually. To do this, one needed to understand HTML, FTP, and the ins-and-outs of managing a hosting account. This was completely foreign to the