Our eMagazine: News, Technology, Insights, and Analysis

Agent iFrame DDF® listings available nationwide

September 12th, 2015|Categories: Agent iFrame|

The Agent iFrame module that allows REALTORS® to paste listings anywhere is available from coast to coast. REALTORS® in board areas that are not serviced by automated data feeds can enjoy the benefits of a 100% automated system that allows them to show listings from anywhere in Canada. REALTORS® phone and email

Thank you to REM Magazine

December 10th, 2014|Categories: Agent iFrame, Resources for REALTORS|

A big thanks to REM magazine for their article on Agent iFrame in the November 2014 issue. We appreciate the mention and will continue to support this great resource for Canadian real estate professionals. Copied from REMonline.com. See DDF® Database on Business or Social Sites A new platform from TRES

Agent iFrame Reseller Program

October 13th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

We're pleased to announce that website designers and Facebook developers may now resell the best DDF® listing plug-in available. Are you looking for a way to increase your overall sales? Want a high quality listing module to upwell to your clients? Agent iFrame offers agents the best value in the

DDF® Listings

August 4th, 2014|Categories: DDF Listings News and Products|

REALTORS® can now choose to advertise listings from across Canada or just their own service areas. The Data Distribution Facility is a remarkable tool that allows agents and brokers to use the power of syndication and automation to capture more leads, show listings anywhere, and provide better service. More info

Agent iFrame Launches

July 22nd, 2014|Categories: DDF Listings News and Products|

We've just launched Agent iFrame, a terrific way for agents to copy-paste listings from the DDF® anywhere they like. Facebook, Chamber of Commerce profile pages, their own websites, etc, anywhere they can paste HTML. Visitors can search your listings right in your social media without leaving that ecosystem. The best part is