
Market Segmentation in Real Estate

By |April 15th, 2022|Categories: Course - Advertising and Promotion|Tags: , , , |

The real estate market tends to be segmented into two distinct categories: buyers and sellers. From there, it is usually segmented into categories such as 'first-time buyer' or 'real estate investor'. These segments help focus promotion so that communication is delivered in a concentrated form to the people who are

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The Consumer Decision Process Part 2: The Information Search

By |March 29th, 2022|Categories: Course - Advertising and Promotion|Tags: , , |

Once a consumer has identified a need or a want they begin the next step, which is research. It has two components: internal and external information seeking. Internal sources of information are retrieved from past experiences (good and bad), personal knowledge regarding the purchase, and intuition. External sources include

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Are You Ready For Integrated Promoting?

By |February 20th, 2022|Categories: Course - Advertising and Promotion|Tags: , , |

Promotional management requires a good understanding of the various moving parts in a promotional plan. When the promotional mix presents messaging to the right people with the right message, a campaign is considered a success. A real estate promoter needs to carefully consider what goes into the mix and

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