Course – Communication in Marketing

Consumer Involvement Perspectives

By |September 23rd, 2022|Categories: Course - Communication in Marketing|Tags: , , |

Marketing communication is designed around an effect, or the thoughts that come into the mind of the person experiencing the ad. Marketers identify factors and relationships between variables and coordinate them to produce a desired reaction or association in the mind of the consumer. This is known as a

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Aligning Message and Intent

By |August 29th, 2022|Categories: Course - Communication in Marketing|Tags: , , |

Communication in marketing is a two-way street. The promoter sends a message to interested parties and they are expected to receive the message with the intended meaning. However, this is not always the case. Some marketing messages are received differently than the author intended, which creates a gap or

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The Purpose of Communication

By |June 10th, 2022|Categories: Course - Communication in Marketing|Tags: , , , |

Communication is the foundation of integrated marketing so promoters need to understand the basics before they can create a marketing program. The basic model will produce an effect based on how consumers will process the message. This has implications for planning and strategy but also how the response is

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